Friday, July 22, 2005


Inspiration can come from the most unlikely places. Two recent examples:

1. I've been working at a copier place, not the most exciting job on the planet, right? Then why did I get so inspired by it that I'm currently writing a sci-fi series pilot set at a copier place. Who knows?

2. More interesting is what I just did. I was playing guitar, except my hand was all oily and so the pick kept slipping out of it. I was annoyed with it, so finally I decided to have some fun with it and write a stupid song about it. It went something like this:

What have I got
But greasy hands and a pick prone to wander
And fling itself out of my hand and onto the floor
Which just happens to be the same color
As my pick

I played this along with various verse type things I've now forgotten. I played it so passionately that I actually began to enjoy it. I like the song. So, I turned it into this:

What have I got
But filthy hands and a heart prone to wander
And fling itself out of your hands and onto the floor
What have I got
But the promise of grace, forgiveness to hold
Mercy to stand, and a love that is stronger than me
A love that is stronger than me

I never would have expected that.

Flaming Kiwifruit

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