Thing #131: According to Article I, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution "the Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate."
This question came up in last nights debate after Sarah Palin mention that the VP has the power to preside over the Senate. Joe Biden quickly 'corrected' her explaining that said VP can only vote when there is a tie and has no power to preside over the Senate. I thought he was right. He wasn't. Rather he was right that that is the only time a VP gets to vote, but not in whether or not the VP presides over the Senate.
Anyway, after watching the debate, I ran across someone pointing out this mistake while reading about the debate online. Then, after work today I did what any normal American citizen who has a question about government would do. I grabbed my copy of the U.S. constitution and started reading. After skimming it three times, I read more carefully and discovered the aforementioned sentence.
Naturally, after finding this out I had to take the chance to actually pull out an article and section of the Constitution like they always did on The West Wing. It makes me feel smart.
P.S. Thing #130 has not been skipped, it's just waiting to be completed. This may or may not happen. I can actually count.
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
To much West Wing for you....
You know what really made me mad about Biden making that big speech about Cheney being deluded and that the VP has no business being involved in the workings of the Senate? He had just gotten through talking about his place in the OBama administration being to work in the Senate pushing through legislation and "getting things done" because that was his strong suit! Then he goes off on Cheney and Palin with his verbose mock-rage rambling about VP's staying out of the Senate's business!! What a moron!!!
I also liked when they asked Biden his greatest weakness and he said something like "I work too hard." Classic pat interview answer.
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