Monday, April 25, 2005

Is This a Dream?

You just never know . . . You think you're asleep, so nothing else interesting will happen, and then you get suprised.

I was quite sound asleep approximately 20 minutes ago. Then the sound of loud music, from outside and the sudden turning on of my light, woke me up. I promptly yelled to my roommate, who I thought had turned it on to no avail.

So, what else could I do? I dragged my self out of bed and turned my light off, quite in a daze. Matt, realizing what he had done quickly apologized from his room. He didn't know I was asleep, so I quickly forgave him, and was headed off to bed, when I heard it.

It was that music again. Coming through my door. I thought to myself, "This isn't going to do at all." So I went outside, where the music almost leveled me. Turns out it was my a bunch of guys from the door. Without missing a beat, Gabe told me it would just be a minute. He thought I was going to complain, and the truth is, I had intended to. It was, after all, after courtesy hours, and I was quite tired.

But I didn't. See, once I saw them all gathered around, jamming away on thier guitars, I was really impressed. I guess is one thing to wake up because someone's banging on the wall, or blaring a stereo, but this was art. So, all I could say was, "Sounds good," with and approving smile.

So, I turned to walk away, thinking my strange night was over, when I saw someone watching me from the stairwell. It was Diana, one of my co-workers, shaking her head slowly with a laptop on her lap. I stopped and looked at her for a moment, perplex. "What are you doing outside my door with a laptop?"

Diana seemed quite amused by this, so she explained to me that she was using Matt's laptop, and invited me to see here PowerPoint presentation. After this, I returned to bed, but it just seemed like this needed to be cronicled. So I did. Now, I'm going to bed.

Flaming Kiwifruit

Thursday, April 21, 2005

On a Roll

When you go to take off a flat tire, make sure the parking brake is engaged. I didn't. It was fine until I actually went to turn the lug nut. That's about the point when the car started rolling towards the hill. Naturally, I valiently grasped onto the special tire wrench thing to stop it and held back the force of the car.

So, there we were, me and the car locked in perfect tension, neither willing to budge. Thankfully, my mother had recently purchased me a nifty cell phone holder that clipped to my belt. It was on the side with my free hand. I swiftly pulled the cell phone loose and dialed my house, which was only about five feet away. The conversation went something like this.

Ian: Hello.
Me: Ian! Come out and put the parking brake on my car!
Ian (confused): What?
Ian (still confused): Okay . . .

Thankfully he rushed out and put on the parking brake saving me from imminent danger. I certainly won't make that mistake again.

Flaming Kiwifruit

Sunday, April 10, 2005

I'm Back!

Sorry again for the absence. This past week I've done everything short of attaining world peace. A quick run down of my recent activies:

1. Did all the principal photography on a short film.
2. Wrote a 3,000 word paper.
3. Learned several piano pieces/scales.
4. Planned and excecuted the invasion of several small countries . . .

No, wait. That last one's not right. Oh, well, anyway there were more accomplishments, but enough with the excuses. Onto the fun stuff. I went to Junior/Senior last night with a friend of mine, Borghy. It was great. Here's what I learned:

1. There is a thin line between a hotel and a theme park. That place was AMAZING.
2. Glass elevators make great rides.
3. Tyler likes photography.
4. When you dance, the guy's hand does NOT go on the girls shoulder. I think I already knew that, but I clearly forgot.
5. "Roast Duck Confit" is not a dish. It's French for "A teenie bit of duck shredded over something."
6. Although it's cool watching your chocolate wrap stick thing melt into your coffee, it doesn't make your coffee taste chocolatey.
7. You can make a paper cup out of a large cloth napkin.
8. If you're in an area with a shortage of bears, gators are sufficient to stand in.
9. Don't try to jump into the gator spring.
10. I like to play piano.
11. Billy Joel, "Pianoman" really is a great song.
12. Heart of palms make a great addition to any salad.
13. When you go to something so memorable, you learn a lot of new things.

Okay, well, that was wordy. Or long at least. Good Night all.

Flaming Kiwifruit