Thing #153: Spontaneity is fun.
Yesterday, Ian and I were both off from work (which doesn't happen often) so we decided to do something fun. Then we remembered we live in Opelika, AL. Not much to do here, so we went to explore the city and found ourselves in a rundown shopping plaza with a handful of odd stores including the Armchair Safari Pet Center. Well, we both love animals, so we headed in.
We got out of the car and were blasted by the sound of what we think was a bird that screamed across the parking lot, sounding a bit like someone experiencing a slow painful death. We hesitated, turned to face one another. Was this such a good idea after all? Too late to turn back; we slowly walked in, greeted by two massive parrots, a couple smaller birds, and rows of fish tanks, but not a person in sight. We stared down a large wooden tunnel like structure in the center of the room and up two steps. It was lined with fish tanks on either side and simply labeled "The Gazebo" by a pasteboard sign written in sharpie and taped to the entrance.
"You can go in." We turned to see who had spoken. It was an Arab man with a thick beard who had mysteriously appeared behind us, smiling curiously. We nodded politely and made our way through "The Gazebo" to the back of the store where we saw another such sign that read "Furry Animals". We walked back to find some gerbils, a couple of rats, and some white fluffy things that never moved and didn't look very alive. After this we decided it was time to leave. On the way out, we passed a nice looking couple with their young daughter standing frozen in the door with wide eyes. Obviously their experience was similar to ours.
But the spontaneity did not end there! Around midnight Ian decided to let me cut his hair. No, I have never cut hair before. Yes, I sent him to a real barber today to fix it.
The Chimp
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
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