There are any number of great hymns in the church history. I already knew that. However I did not realize there were so many . . . "misguided" hymn. My personal favorites:
1. Hold the Fort (no, by all means, don't go out and fight, just hold the fort.)
2. I've Got My Religon (well, that should be at least enough to hold the fort.)
3. Slip Away Home (pastor going long again? gotta admit, i've wanted to sing this before!)
4. Too Late To Pray (sounds positively cheerful. probably a big hit at funerals.)
5. It's Just Like Heaven (then why would we need the real thing?)
Granted, these may be great hymns, but the titles sure got me. Right up there with Switchfoot's "Might Have Ben Hur." How lame can you get? Maybe I'll learn that tomorrow.
Additionally, I learned that saving your homework for when you get back to campus after break is a bad idea. Especially when you have an eight (8) hour drive. Okay, more like seven (7), but I don't know how that happened.
I also realized tonight that I have this blog, because the world deserves to hear my humor. I figure the world must have done something pretty bad to deserves that. Oh, well. Good night.
Flaming Kiwifruit
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago