Wednesday, November 24, 2004

It Begins!

Here we will be posting things that we know today, that we did not know yesterday... as you may have gathered from the title. I will be simply known as the "Flaming Kiwifruit." My sister will be known as the "Complete Moron"..... OW!!!!! I mean the "Inebriated Chimpanzee" (Yeah that's alot better.)

Flaming Kiwifruit

Welcome to our mindless waste of time . . . both ours and yours . . .

First on our list of things we know today that we did not know yesterday:

Handzi the stuffed sloth can fit all the way through the ice dispenser on our refridgerator, yes, that is correct, ALL THE WAY THROUGH!

Well, that's all for today on my end folks.

The Chimp

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I now know why there was fuzz in my ice at lunch today.