Um, yeah . . . If I learned something today, I forgot it. Traveling 8 hours will do that. Well, I guess I learned that using one of those nifty headsets for your cell phone is really cool. I was talking to my mom while carrying loads of junk from my car to the house. Tommorrow is Mother's Day. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I am really, really out of it. Um . . . yeah . . .
So, Borghy asked me to post this song on my website, so I will. Don't steal it. Yeah, that would anger me. And you probably wouldn't even have the right tune.
Broken Halos
Broken halos litter the ground
Like diamonds in the sand
And innocence is shed like so much
Garbage along the roads of our land
In your eyes I see reflections of a man
Who's seen angels fall
And the tulmult of your soul
As you wrestle with it all
I can hear you pray
Is there grace for fallen angels
To learn to fly again
Broken souls, like dust
Cling to the soles of my feet
But I've no answer for you
I can offer no relief
So what am I to do
For you my friend to make you whole again
But pray that the grace of God
Teach you to fly again
For I know
There is grace for fallen angels
To learn to fly again
Have you ever seen a shooting star
Streaking through the night
Have you ever seen falling angels
Returning to flight
Pray for grace for fallen angels
To learn to fly again
Pray for grace for fallen angels
To learn to fly again
© 2005 FlamingKiwi Music
Yeah, that's it. Hope you like it. Good night.
Flaming Kiwifruit
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
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