There are some problems that can only be solved with an eight pound sledge-hammer. So says my dad. He didn't elaborate, but I see what he means. Here are a few of my best times to use said sledge hammer:
When the lawnmower won't work.
When the toaster won't work.
When the computer won't work.
When the stupid employees won't work.
When the cats won't work. (All the time.)
When imprisoned in a Soviet prison camp by the evil Communists! (MacGyver could've done it)
Yeah, I think that's it. Hope I didn't miss anything.
Flaming Kiwifruit
Disclaimer: Neither this blog nor my father in any way promote violence, real or percieved, against employees, animals or Communists, with or without a sledge hammer.
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
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