If your boss leaves you to answer phones, and they don't ring for a long period of time, get suspicious. Here's what happened to me yesterday.
(All times approximate)
8:30 am - Our office manager, Bobby Ray, leaves me to answer phones.
9:15 am - Jim, one of our technicians shows up, prompting, by his mere presence, a sudden influx of calls.
9:30 am - I field the last of the influx of calls.
11:00 am - Scott, another technician, shows up and I help him unload copiers. He notes the lack of service calls. I explain it's been a slow day.
11:30 am - Bobby Ray returns, asking why I wasn't answering calls. We quickly determine that the phones are dead.
So, anyway, it turns out they were doing construction down the road and failed to tell anybody what was going on. If you're wondering why I didn't catch on, going that long without any phone calls isn't really unusual.
Flaming Kiwifruit
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
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