Thing# 109: My brother is a quarter of a century old!
I did not know this yesterday because it was not true yesterday. In honor of this special day, I have decided to collaborate with his parents and former roommate to compile a list of 25 things you may not know about Phil:
1. Phil is single handedly responsible for the death of countless pots, pans, and small appliances, including all those lost in the great 'Pecan Pie Massacre' and, I hear, a $10 mixer.
2. Phil can occupy every inch of space in front of a sink and counter while simultaneously being slower than humanly possible at getting ready.
3. Phil is a lover of nature. He once backed his car into a tree, got out, checked the tree with complete lack of concern for his car's well being, and drove to work.
4. Phil runs red lights and stops at green lights. Several long stories involved, but he has done both.
5. He can climb a telephone pole with his toenails. This is how he earned the nickname 'Bellsouth'. If you've seen his toenails, you understand.
6. His favorite colors are green and khaki.
7. He has a passion for cooking, especially grilling meat.
8. Little dogs love him and feel a compulsion to follow him for as long as possible after he walks by.
9. He once ran into a parked car.
10. He once set our front lawn on fire burning ant hills with gasoline. In his defense, he had help with this one.
11. He will wear a pair of sandals until they fall apart . . . then he will duct tape and super glue the pieces together and wear them until his wife finds out and throws them away.
12. He will take anything if it is free and buy anything if it says 'new' on the package.
13. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter, as well as guitar player.
14. He's unbeatable in the game Encore.
15. Everyone knows him. Growing up I was always "Phil's sister" and everywhere we went, somehow, at least a handful of people knew Phil.
16. He loves to take things apart and find out how they work, and unlike his dad, he can usually put them back together so they still work.
17. He's never had much fashion sense: The star shirt, the sailboat shirt, the sweat pants with the hole from his knee to his ankle . . .
18. He is blindingly white, but then, that is sort of a family trait.
19. When he was four years old he lined up all the kids in the playground and made them sit down and listen while he preached to them.
20. He typically has bad luck with birthdays, hopefully this year was different!
21. He's a pool hustler.
22. There is no counting the number of times he has locked his keys in his car . . . while it was running.
23. His snore is said to be something like a gas generator, a guerilla battle cry, and a dying moose . . . run through an amplifier.
24. He has his mother's sense of direction. He once got lost in the bath tub, and spent hours wheeling a copier around a building looking for the exit.
25. Everyone loves Phil. The first time I met my future in-laws, we brought Phil. When we left my roommate said, "I think they liked you . . . but they LOVED Phil!" I guess he's just a loveable guy!
Happy Birthday Phil! We love you!
Phil's Sister
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
Nice job. Hope you had a Happy Birthday Bud.
I should clarify #9 I was running on foot, not driving a car (since I was 5). Actually, that's more embarrassing.
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