Thing #107: The universe was brought to us in part by Planter's peanuts.
Strange but true. Apparently God had a little help from the peanut people, or so thinks the history channel. I was sitting on the couch watching a show about planets, black holes, and the likes, aptly named "The Universe" when all of the sudden as the commercials began I was notified of this fact. I wonder which part they were responsible for?
Either way, I must go now and quickly prepare for certain doom. As the show neared in end, they announced, and I quote, "Cosmic Apocalypse, coming up next."
As a side note, I also now know my blog has a spell check, which dad pointed out after trying to help me figure out to spell apocalypse. So I now I know it's spelled correctly.
The Chimp
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
You should file this under my apocalypse tag. I never thought we'd be able to use that one again.
Who knew we had an 'apocalypse' tag?
I guess you did.
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