Thing #105: People used to read this blog.
Do they still? I'm not sure. For all the months I posted I had no idea, but lately I have been reading through old posts and have found comments from many readers I never knew we had. I confess it gives me a new found ferver for posting on a more regular basis. I shall endeavor to be a more optimisstic person in the future.
Except maybe when it comes to the Flyers. I tried being optimistic, but that got me nowhere. One more game and we're done for the post season.
Ah, it's good to be back.
The Chimp, back and better than ever
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
The only good thing about the Flyers losing is I can get on with my life.
Looks like you'll have to put off that whole moving on with your life thing. Also, I'm fairly sure you massacred the word Optimism in the title. Oh, and it's good to have you back.
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