Thing #149: Phil posts more on this blog than any of the other contributers.
Now I am sure your wondering how I know this. No, your probably thinking "That's obvious, I read the blog and I can count." Well, it probably should have been obvious to me, but I actually didn't come to this conclusion from counting his posts.
The truth is, I was scrolling through the blog, as I do every day wishing there was a new post to read, when I noticed the list on the side of labels used on each post. The labels were ordered according to how many posts carried that particular one. At the very top of the list was 'Katherine' with 17, and at a close second 'food' with 16. Yep, that just screams Phil.
Not a quality post, but it's something to be sure, and all your going to get out of me at 4:18 a.m.
At least next time I check the blog I'll see something new, even if I did post it.
Here's to post 150! May it be better than this one.
The Chimp
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
4:18 AM on Saturday wait...Saturday morning? You guys had fun while we were gone for the weekend.
You forgot to mention the high appearance of 'politics'.
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