College can be an informative place. You learn many things there, unfortunately, with finals, I have had little time to post said things. Now I shall.
I'll start by saying, finals week is EVIIIIILLLLLL! Okay, that being said and finals being over . . . .
I know now for certain that it is impossible for anyone on campus to see Handzi the sloth and not have an overwhelming desire to make him dance. Bizzare. I am also slightly jealous that my stuffed sloth is more well known than me. But that is another point entirely.
If you work near hot grease, you should wrap your arms in saran wrap to avoid singing your arm hairs, or so I learned from one of the college residents who works in the cafe.
If you are leaving for three weeks, you should not leave perishable, smelly foods such as meat in your dorm. I of course knew this. My roommate did not. I threw out her food after she left to avoid having to smell it in three weeks when we return. But then she herself does not smell too overly pleasant either.
If you have a final, study the day before. Never again will I get up at 7:00 a.m. to study for a final. NEVER!
If you are lost, do not call the campus radi0 station for directions. I, helping Phil with his radio show for the first time ever, was left in control of the station with little knowledge of what I was doing while Phil attempted to give directions to one of the more . . . er . . . interesting residents of our college who had called in lost.
Let's see . . . I think that's it for now.
Oh, one more thing. You can celebrate the end of finals week by throwing your old, no longer functioning printer off from the third floor of the dorm building. Though I didn't try it myself, I heard someone on campus enjoyed doing this. I would not suggest such a course of action, but if you do plan to do this, make sure no one is below you.
A little lengthy, but I had to catch up. Hopefully I can post a little more frequently now with the semester over.
The Chimp
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
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