Thing #145: Tea can be much stronger than I expected.
I love tea. This is a fairly recent development, but I've found that I enjoy a nice cold brewed tea. I've begun noting the various shades of flavor, the variety of taste in each different kind. So it was with great excitement that I perused the shelves at Target for some new kind of tea.
Now, as if my previous exultation of the greatness of tea wasn't enough, it gets worse. The tea I selected was something called 'Sleepytime Extra.' It seemed innocent enough, with a picture of a cute little bear, sleeping in an old-fashioned wood rocker. Then I got it home.
No, this isn't the part where the bear comes to life and attacks me. No, Katherine got to reading the tea. It has a warning and this wasn't some, 'Tea may be hot when brewed' kind of warning. Nope this was a serious warning involving the product not being intended for children and not operating heavy machinery. Yep. I slept great last night.
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
You bought a tea called sleepy time...with a teddy bear on the front...and you were surprised that it was designed to make you drowsy?
Only my brother would...
No, I wanted it to make me drowsy. I was surprised that it had the same warning as a powerful prescription sleep aid.
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