Thing #144: Dead people wear clothes too.
And sometimes they need a new outfit.
I run across many strange things in retail sales. I've had more than a few bizzare and awkward conversations with my customers, but none beats the woman that came in the other day.
She was shopping for a nice, decorative, white button up blouse. Simple enough. I got the impression the shirt wasn't for her. It had to be very modest beacuse it was for an older woman. As we walked around the store and searched for one that would work I asked my typical probing questions about what the event was, what the person's tastes were, ect... I got an atypical answer. The conversation went something like this:
Customer: Well, you're probably going to think this is a little morbid.
Me: Ok...
Customer: It's for my 86 year old mother... who's dead.
Me: Oh...
What do you say to that? Turn's out they had a suit for her to wear for the funeral, but needed a shirt to go underneath, so I spent the next 20 minutes or so helping the woman pick out an appropriately dressy and decent blouse which her deceased mother would approve of. So the moral of the story is... actually, if there is a moral in their somewhere I'm not sure what it is. I just hope that someday when I die some nice retail associate will see that I am nicely dressed for my funeral.
The Chimp
Battle of the Bands LXXXIV
16 years ago
Wow. I have never sold a copier for a dead person. I did lose a sale once because a guy died.
If I die, I do NOT want a copier. Just for the record.
When she said "You might think this is morbid..." You should have repied, "You've obviously never read my family's poetry."
Are you saying that just because every poem I have ever written mentions death explicitly or by implication?
I'm still trying to figure out when I "pied" her the first time...
Sorry, couldn't let it go after all my typos you've pointed out.
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